Privacy Policy

A. Description of Our Service/Product

WA PRESTIGE CABINETS AND WARDROBES (ACN 66 326 242 649), (“We”, or “Us”) provides the following services and/or products (“Services and/or Products”) to Clients: design, assembly and installation of wardrobes and cabinets in Clients’ premises. We gather Personal Information in the following situations, in the course of that business: (1) when We create a record of our interaction with a Client, the record will usually include the Client’s Personal Information; (2) a Client may provide Us with or give us access to their Personal Information to facilitate the delivery of our Services and/or Products, or (3) some Clients may authorise us to obtain Personal Information held by third parties. We may also collect some Personal Information from Website Visitors. Our collection, storage, use and disclosure of any Personal Information that we acquire, by whatever method, is covered by this Privacy Policy. If We collect Personal Information directly from a Client then We usually have control of the way in which that information is handled, used and stored. If our access to the Personal Information is downstream from the collector of the information, then We will have the degree of control and access that is allowed by the collector. Such collectors may include the following: a referral partner; the operator of a third-party Website; and the operators of Social Media Platforms. Where We receive a Client’s Personal Information second hand from a third party, We will normally assume that the Client has consented to that information being collected and shared with Us. We may have no way of checking how and when the information was collected.

B. Definitions

The following terms used in this Privacy Policy have the meanings given below: “Client” means a person or entity that has a commercial relationship with us and to whom we provide Services and/or Products, or a prospective Client whose personal information we hold as part of our marketing interaction with them, and includes a representative or employee of a Client who interacts with Us on behalf of the Client. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, “Client” also means any individual we hire or engage to perform services for us or for (other) Clients. “Personal Information” means information that identifies an individual person, the collection, use, storage and disclosure of which is regulated by privacy laws in force in Australia or which otherwise apply to Us. “Products” means any products that We provide to Clients, under contract. “Services” means any services that We provide to Clients, under contract. “Social Media Platform” includes any social media service, such as Facebook or Instagram, which enables third parties to monitor Website visits by subscribers to that platform, and/or to target those subscribers with advertising or other communications. “TOU” includes the terms of use for our Website and the terms of service, or terms and conditions, which apply to the supply of our Services and/or Products. “Website” means any website which We monitor the use of through tracking technology, in particular our own Website. Website Visitor or Visitor means a Website visitor or user.

C. Our Collection of Personal Information

As described in Section A above, We collect Personal information from Clients and may also choose to collect certain Personal Information from Website Visitors. We store, use and disclose this Personal Information for the purposes of our business in accordance with the applicable privacy legislation in our home jurisdiction of Australia, namely the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). We recognise the importance and sensitivity of that Personal Information and use our best efforts to maintain its confidentiality in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If We are aware that the Personal Information We are collecting relates to a person located in the European Union (EU), We will also comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU, in respect of that information. Where the GDPR applies to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of Personal Information, the person (called a “data subject”) may have the following rights:

  • A right to access, update or delete information in our possession.
  • A right to rectification, i.e. to request Us to correct any information that is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • A right to object, i.e. a right to object to our processing of the information.
  • A right of restriction, i.e. a right to request that We restrict the processing of the information in certain ways.
  • A right to data portability, i.e. a right to be provided with a copy of the information in a structured, machine-readable and commonly used format.
  • A right to withdraw consent, i.e. a right to draw consent to Us processing the information.

Please note that, in the case of Website Visitors, we collect relevant information on the basis that our access to that information has already been consented to by the relevant data subject, either as a condition of using the relevant Website, or in connection with the subject’s subscription to or use of a relevant Social Media Platform, or via another third-party relationship. Any person located within the EU who claims that their privacy rights have been affected by Us will be asked to verify their identity and location before We can respond to their claim. We will use our best endeavours to respond to all inquiries about Personal Information quickly and courteously. An EU resident may have the right to complain to a Data Protection Authority about our collection and use of their Personal Information, and are encouraged to check with their local Data Protection Authority to learn what their rights are.

D. Consent to and Authorisation of Collection

When interacting with Us, a Client consents to our collection, storage, use and limited disclosure of that Client’s Personal Information, or that of its relevant employees, for purposes related to the delivery of the Services and/or Products. Where We track Website Visitors, as part of our normal business operations, We will do so with the consent of the Visitor, e.g. if We use cookies, or with the cooperation of a relevant Social Media Platform operator, e.g. if We use pixels embedded in Our Website provided by that operator to allow tracking of its users. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from anyone under the age of 18, except with the consent of their parent or guardian. If You are the parent or guardian of such a person, and you are aware that a minor in your custody has provided Us with their Personal Information, please contact Us. If We become aware that we have collected the Personal Information of any minor without verified parental or guardian consent, We will take immediate action to delete that information.

E. Policy Details

1. Why We Collect Personal Information

As indicated above, We collect Personal Information for the general purposes of managing a Client relationship, in the course of marketing our Services and/or Products, or for monitoring our Website (where we have enabled that activity). The specific purposes for which We collect Personal Information, in whatever form, include the following:

  • To facilitate the delivery of our Services and/or Products.
  • To monitor the use of our Website by Website Visitors.
  • To facilitate the use of and access to interactive features of our Website.
  • To monitor and measure the performance of our Website.
  • For technical reasons, to detect, prevent and respond to operational problems with our Website and the delivery of our Services and/or Products.
  • To provide Clients with commercial information that they have consented to receive.
  • To comply with our contractual and statutory obligations.

2. How We Collect Personal Information

We have access to Personal Information when a Client contacts Us and gives Us the information, or We obtain that information from a referral partner, or a Website Visitor visits our Website. We usually collect information directly from Clients by telephone, emails, personal interviews, and referrals from third parties (by any of these methods). This information normally includes such things as names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. We collect and use that Information in the normal course of our business operations. The technology that enables the tracking of Website Visitors and the use and analysis of that information may rely on features created by the operators of Social Media Platforms, which are available to be used by website owners. Website Visitors automatically generate certain information when visiting Our Website, including technical information about their internet browser, mobile device, internet service provider (ISP) or telecommunications carrier, such as IP addresses (which normally identify country locations), interactions with cookies, beacons, pixels and other visitor-detection and identification software, hardware signatures, GPS signatures of mobile devices, hardware fingerprints, or other attributes, such as the duration of visits, which webpages are accessed within a website and what website the Visitor came from and left to. We may study and utilise this data as part of our legitimate business activity. We may rely on such data that we collect, in an anonymised manner, to do things like track consumer behaviour trends, build statistics on use of the Website, track payments, and do other things with the data. We may engage third party contractors with special expertise in data analysis to assist us to do these things. We may use cookies or other anonymous identifiers to track Website Vistitors’ use of different parts of the Website, revisitation frequency, interaction with interactive features, and other characteristics, in the way those tools are usually used by website operators. We obtain consent for the use of cookies, and most web browsers have a feature that allows cookies to be blocked. Please note that this Privacy Policy relates only to our activity. Where your Personal Information is being tracked or captured by any other person or entity, You must exercise caution to find out what rules and policies are applied by that other person or entity. We may use contractors and/or third party business partners to collect and process Personal Information that We collect in the course of our business activities. In some cases, these parties may be located outside Australia. Whenever We engage a contractor or become involved with a business partner, We use our best endeavours to ensure that We only associate with other businesses that maintain high technical standards, are ethical, and comply with good business practices with respect to the security and storage of Personal Information. As We may not always use the same contractors or third party business partners for every transaction, We are unable to provide more precise information here regarding who will handle your Personal Information, but We are willing to provide You with more specific information on request.

3. What We Use Your Information For?

As explained above, We use Personal Information in the course of providing our Services and/or Products to our Clients, or for our own business, administrative or management purposes. This includes things like: tracking the volume of sales; creating Client profiles; facilitating communications with Clients; facilitating ordering, inventory, invoicing, administration and other customer service operations; and dealing with inquiries and warranty claims.

4. Where Do We Store Your Information?

We store Personal Information that We collect in a secure manner. If the information is in paper form, it will be held in our office in filing cabinets which are locked when not in use. If the information is in electronic form, it will be held in our computer systems which are password-protected. In some situations, electronic information may be transferred to external (cloud) servers owned and operated by third parties on which We rent space, or where persons We have disclosed the information to rent space. Example: We may transfer copies of invoices or records of payments of wages and other benefits to Our accountant or bookkeeper, and that person may store the invoices on their computer system or in the cloud. Those storage systems may be located within Australia and/or outside Australia, i.e. in other countries. Although We use our best efforts to ensure that all Personal Information that We collect is kept safe and secure, and that we rely only on trustworthy business partners, We are not in control of servers rented from or operated by third parties, and therefore cannot decide where those resources are located, or guarantee that those servers will be immune from hacking or unauthorised access. If any breach of security of a server used by Us or one of Our business partners comes to our attention, We will take immediate steps within our ability to rectify the problem.

5. How Do We Protect Your Information?

We use our best endeavours to store Personal Information in a secure way that is consistent with best practices in our industry in Australia. If our Clients are given online access to a client area of our computer system in which their information is stored, or by which it is submitted to us, then We will provide the Clients with login IDs and passwords to make that access more secure. Each Client, however, is entirely responsible for maintaining the security of its account password, login details and other account information, and is not permitted to share that information with anyone else without our permission. We retain Personal Information only for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which the information was collected, or as may be required to comply with our legal or contractual obligations (including under our TOU), or to resolve any disputes. We review the Personal Information in Our possession at regular intervals and delete information that We don’t have a legitimate need to retain.

6. Third Party Websites

If our Website includes a link to a third party website, We cannot accept responsibility for any person’s interaction with that other website, although We use our best efforts to avoid linking to any website that We learn has any suspicious or malicious aspects.

7. Notifications From Us

Clients will be given the opportunity to opt in or opt out of receiving commercial information from Us, e.g. notifications regarding new services or products. We will send Clients administrative and account-related messages that they may not opt out of, because of the importance or legal significance of those messages. To terminate all communications from Us, a Client must close down its account with Us.

8. How You Can Access Your Personal Information

Subject to and in compliance with any applicable regulations or laws, We will allow You, at any time, to access, check, review, or request the edit, update and/or delete your personal account-related information that We hold, unless:

  • We are legally permitted or required to deny You access to, and/or to retain, the information; or
  • You make request(s) that are unreasonably repetitive, require Us to make a disproportionate technical or administrative effort, or to risk the privacy of other persons, or where the request would be highly impractical to comply with.

Please let Us know if You would like Us to correct any of your Personal Information in our control. Examples of Personal Information include: your name, address and date of birth. If You wish to access this Personal Information, or have some other query about this Privacy Policy, please contact Us at: wayne @ with the subject heading: “Privacy Action Request”. In order to protect information (including Personal Information) in our computer system from being tampered with or being accidentally removed or corrupted, residual and backup copies of most types of information continue to exist after any authorised deletion, and will remain available until purged completely. You should be aware therefore that when We delete your Personal Information from our computer system at your request, residual or backup copies of that information may remain in the system for a period of time thereafter, but in most cases will be completely removed within a reasonable timeframe having regard to current practices in our industry in Australia.

9. How You Can Make Inquiries

Please direct any questions You have about our storage and use of your personal information by email sent to our email address shown above. If You make a formal written complaint to a government agency regulator in relation to our compliance with this Privacy Policy or any applicable regulations or laws, We may request You to provide Us with information verifying that the complaint was made, and explaining the basis of the complaint. We encourage You to approach Us regarding any difficulties or problems regarding your Personal Information.

10. Updates to this Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated or varied by Us from time to time. We will notify Clients of such updates via our Website, and those notifications will remain visible for a reasonable amount of time not less than 48 hours. Please check your email messages regularly for any announcements or notifications from Us. We will update the date-stamped version identifier (shown below) whenever We update this Privacy Policy. It is your responsibility to check the version identifier to become aware of whether You are reading an updated version of this Privacy Policy.

11. Legal Information

“WA Prestige Cabinets and Wardrobes” is the registered business name of The Trustees for the WA Prestige Cabinets Trust, of 18 Keates Road, Armadale, Western Australia, 6112. Contact person for this Privacy Policy: Wayne Visser. Version information: this version is: No. 001-200319

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